Healthcare in Rural versus Urban America: Issues, Disparities and the Role of Medicare Advantage Plans

Disparities and the Role of Medicare

Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right that holds immense importance for the overall well-being of any society. However, there exist noticeable disparities in healthcare access and quality between urban and rural areas in America. Several factors contribute to these disparities, including the availability of healthcare providers, the socioeconomic status of residents and the infrastructure of the healthcare system.

In this article, we will delve into the challenges and discrepancies faced by individuals residing in rural areas while also highlighting differences in healthcare accessibility, quality and options between urban and rural settings. Additionally, we will explore how Medicare Advantage Plans play a role within these environments.

Challenges Faced by Rural Healthcare

Rural regions in the United States encounter distinct healthcare challenges. Accessing healthcare services poses a significant concern for residents living in these areas. The number of available healthcare providers is limited, often resulting in difficulties in meeting their community’s needs. Despite 20% of the population residing in rural areas, only 9% of physicians practice there nationally. This scarcity means that individuals living rurally often have to undertake long journeys to seek medical assistance—a situation particularly burdensome for elderly individuals or those with mobility issues.

Additionally, apart from the issue of limited accessibility, healthcare in rural areas often falls short in terms of quality. The availability of specialized services is relatively scarce in rural settings, leading to longer wait times for appointments or even a lack of necessary care. In comparison to their urban counterparts, rural hospitals are usually smaller and less equipped, resulting in a lower standard of care and fewer on-site services. When specialized care is required, patients often have to make the journey to urban centres which can be both expensive and time-consuming.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that rural areas tend to have a higher proportion of residents with lower socioeconomic status, which frequently correlates with unfavourable health outcomes. This issue is further compounded by limited employment opportunities, restricted access to nutritious food options and transportation challenges.

Possible Solutions for Improving Healthcare in Rural Areas

 Disparities and the Role of Medicare

Feasible solutions for enhancing healthcare in rural areas have been extensively documented due to the existing disparities in access, quality and affordability between rural and urban regions. In order to address the challenges faced by rural communities including limited healthcare providers, geographical isolation and higher poverty rates; innovative approaches such as mobile healthcare, telehealth, etc. can help bridge the gap in healthcare provision.

Mobile Healthcare

Mobile healthcare is a practical solution to address the challenges faced by rural areas with limited access to healthcare facilities and geographic isolation. These mobile clinics are equipped with necessary medical equipment and staffed by healthcare professionals who can provide primary care services, preventive screenings and health education. By directly bringing healthcare services to rural communities, mobile clinics can alleviate the burden of travel and increase access to care for underserved populations.

Additionally, mobile clinics can be used for specific interventions such as vaccination campaigns, prenatal care and management of chronic diseases. By offering timely and personalized care, mobile clinics can contribute to improving health outcomes in rural areas.


 Disparities and the Role of Medicare

Telehealth, which involves using digital technologies to deliver remote healthcare services, has significant potential in enhancing healthcare access and quality in rural regions. Through telehealth, patients from rural areas can consult with healthcare providers without having to travel long distances. Video consultations, remote monitoring systems and electronic prescriptions are some examples of how telehealth can significantly improve healthcare delivery in rural settings.

Moreover, telehealth allows rural healthcare providers to collaborate with specialists located in urban centres. This collaboration enhances the quality of care provided to patients with complex health needs. By leveraging telehealth technologies effectively, rural communities can overcome barriers such as geographic isolation and limited availability of providers.

Working Together with Larger Healthcare Networks

Collaboration with larger healthcare networks can be a valuable way for rural healthcare facilities to expand their capabilities and enhance the quality of care they provide. By forming partnerships with urban hospitals, academic medical centres or larger healthcare systems, rural facilities can gain access to resources, expertise and specialized services that might not otherwise be available.

These collaborations can take various forms, such as implementing shared electronic health record systems, facilitating telemedicine consultations with specialists or establishing joint training and education initiatives. By working together in this way, rural facilities can improve their clinical capabilities, achieve cost savings through economies of scale and ultimately enhance patient outcomes.

Addressing the Challenge of Workforce Shortages

Investing in the rural healthcare workforce is crucial for enhancing healthcare in rural areas. This involves offering financial incentives, training opportunities and support to healthcare professionals who are willing to work in these communities. Encouraging medical students to pursue rotations in rural settings, providing scholarships for those interested in practising rurally and offering continuing education opportunities specifically designed for rural healthcare professionals are effective strategies to overcome workforce shortages and ultimately improve the quality of care provided.

Exploring Medicare Advantage Plans

 Disparities and the Role of Medicare

Medicare Advantage Plans (also known as Medicare Part C) serve as private health insurance options that offer an alternative to Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). These plans often come with extra advantages, like coverage for prescription drugs, vision care and dental services. They might even have lower out-of-pocket costs compared to Original Medicare.

In cities with plenty of healthcare options, Medicare Advantage Plans give beneficiaries a wide range of choices. These plans usually have networks that include several hospitals, specialists and other healthcare providers. This allows beneficiaries to pick the providers that suit their needs the best.

However, in rural areas where healthcare providers are scarce, Medicare Advantage Plans may have smaller networks. This can be problematic for beneficiaries who already face limited options for healthcare services. Additionally, there might be fewer Medicare Advantage Plans available in rural areas overall, limiting the choices for beneficiaries.

Despite these challenges, Medicare Advantage Plans still play an important role in improving access to quality healthcare in rural areas. Some plans offer telehealth services that allow rural residents to receive medical care remotely when travelling to a facility is difficult. Transportation services may also be provided by certain plans to help beneficiaries easily reach healthcare facilities.

To find out more about the various plans and their coverage, you can click on the link below:

Urban Healthcare Accessibility and Quality.

 Disparities and the Role of Medicare

In contrast, urban regions generally have a higher concentration of healthcare providers and facilities, which results in better accessibility and a wider range of healthcare choices. People living in urban areas often have easy access to multiple hospitals, clinics and healthcare providers within a short distance. This increased availability makes it simpler to receive specialized care, prompt medical attention and choose from a larger pool of providers.

However, urban areas also face their own unique healthcare challenges. While there may be more healthcare options available, they are not evenly distributed. Residents in low-income neighbourhoods may still encounter obstacles when it comes to accessing quality care, such as long wait times, overcrowded facilities or high out-of-pocket expenses. Socioeconomic disparities within urban areas can be just as significant as those between urban and rural settings.


In conclusion, the disparities in healthcare between rural and urban areas in America are substantial and complex. Although urban areas generally offer greater accessibility and options for healthcare services, rural areas face distinctive challenges related to the availability of providers, quality of care provided and socioeconomic factors.

Medicare Advantage Plans have a crucial role in tackling these disparities by providing extra benefits and services like telehealth and transportation. Nevertheless, there is still a need for comprehensive initiatives to enhance access to healthcare and its quality in both urban and rural areas. This includes investing in healthcare infrastructure, workforce development and addressing socio-economic factors that impact health outcomes.

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About the Author: mickyaron

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