6 Ways To Find All Accounts Linked To Your Email Address Or Phone Number

find all accounts linked to my name

These methods will allow you to locate all accounts that are linked to your email address or phone number. This will ensure that your data is not misused online.


Many of us have had many online accounts over the course of our long, rich lives. But they all fell by the wayside and were unused for ever.

It is possible to misuse the email address and phone number that you gave for registration. Now it’s time for you to ask, “How can I locate all accounts that are linked to my email adress?”

You should visit all accounts in order to change your credentials or deactivate them. However, it is not always as simple as clicking the “Find My Account” button. These are the ways to find all accounts that are linked to your phone number or email address.


1. Get Free Access to Accounts that are Linked to Email

You may be more comfortable signing in to websites and apps through your email platform’s quick authorization buttons. This means that you won’t need to dig too deeply to search for accounts by email or review the most recent accounts you have created.

You can access Gmail’s security settings for accounts you have created through “Signing up with Google”. You can edit or revoke access to connected accounts by going to Gmail’s security settings.

This section can be accessed via Google’s My account dashboard. Click the Security tab to the left.

Scroll down until Third party apps with account access is visible. Click Manage Third Party Access.


You can manage the settings of each app that you have connected to your account from this page. You can also see information about the app’s access.

Click on any app or website name to revoke access. Hit Remove Access.

RELATED: How old is your Gmail account? You can find out here.

2. Get Social Sign-Ins with Facebook and Twitter

You can also view all the websites and apps you have logged into with your social media accounts.

You can do this on Twitter by going to Privacy in the sidebar. Click on Sessions and apps under Security. You will be able check any accounts you have linked to your Twitter account.


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You can choose what content you wish to share on platforms such as Facebook. You can, for example, keep a third-party account connected and disable its access to Facebook pages.

3. For Account Verification Messages, Search Your Inbox

Another option is to search your inbox for confirmation emails regarding account creation.

When you sign up for a new account, search for the most common subject lines that these services send. Some of the best are “signing up” (and “thanks”), and keywords such as “confirm” and “confirming”.

img alt=”One method to view all accounts associated with my Gmail.” data-img-url=”https://static1.makeuseofimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/how-to-delete-all-accounts-associated-with-an-email.PNG”/>

Gmail’s search engines and keywords can be used to filter specific subject lines. “Subject verification” will retrieve all emails whose subject lines contain the word “verify”, just to name one example.


This will allow you to find out about every app that you have linked to your email address.

EmailExport services can automate this task. The website will scan your emails and create a spreadsheet. It is not free and you will need to give some personal information. It can save you time if you are determined to locate all accounts via email.

4. Instantly check all accounts linked to your email

Deseat can also be used to locate all accounts that are linked to an email address.

The web app indexes and removes all third-party apps that you have signed up through your account. The web app allows you to view the entire list and make a decision about how to proceed.


Select Request Removal to revoke access to the service or app. This will create a pre-written request to remove data from the company.

EmailExport is just like any other company, so it’s important to secure any sensitive information you have in your email.

5. Search All Online Accounts with a Username

You can tap into Namechk if you have a username that you frequently enter to create new accounts. Domain finder and username checking tool scans for username availability on dozens of platforms as well as domain-form.

Namechk will show you if your username has been taken by simply typing it in the search bar at top. It’s simple and totally free.

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6. Check your Browser’s Saved Accounts

Your browser stores your input whenever you fill out forms on the internet. This means that you won’t have to type it again. This is also true for passwords and email addresses.

To find accounts that are associated with emails addresses from the past, you can go to your browser’s settings. You’ll be able to succeed based on how long you have been using the browser. This means that you may need to go back and revisit other browsers.


The Settings option in Google Chrome will display the option. You can then access Autofill and Passwords from this page. You can view the entries and update them or delete them if they aren’t your preference.

Mozilla Firefox users have the ability to navigate into their settings. They can also access their Passwords and Login stash through Privacy & Security. They will have access to their saved logins where they can search for all online accounts.

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A Password Manager can help you sort your online accounts

It is unlikely that you can track down every online account you have created. These solutions can help you locate accounts linked to your email without you having to ask for every account creation.

Once you’ve done this, it’s time to move to a password manager. This will allow you to monitor your online presence without having to do it manually.

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About the Author: uzair

Uzair is a features writer at Cafeer.de. He is a graduate of Emerson College and recently completed the MFA in writing.

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